“You give them drink from your river of delights.”

Psalms 36:8b


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Hi! I’m Jeanie

What is Riverfront Christian Coaching Plus?

Every day I walk along the Connecticut River with God and my golden retriever. Each day I learn something new. This river begins high atop a mountain in New Hampshire and flows through twists and turns before it empties into the sea. The river calls me, speaks to me, and teaches me. Each day as I walk along the river and pass a beautiful fountain I quote from Psalm 36, which has become my mantra.

Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
your justice like the great deep.
You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.
They feast on the abundance of your house;
you give them drink from your river of delights.
For with you is the fountain of life;
in your light we see light.

The past decade has been tumultuous for me, full of huge life transitions. I cared for my husband until he died from a horrible neurodegenerative disease, went back to graduate school, retired from forty-seven years in the ministry, moved to another state, and began a small business. In all of this, God has been my source of everything, really. He is my fountain of life.

I am in a brand-new stage of life since I completed my doctoral program in spiritual formation and discipleship. I recently received my certification as a Christian Life Coach, which has offered me wonderful new tools for serving. I know it has been a lot at once, but I have longed to find a way to share the valuable lessons I am learning. Christian Coaching offers so many valuable tools, but when combined with Spiritual Formation, grief recovery, and spiritual directing it becomes even more valuable. Sometimes, one area is more needed than another, so together we can determine the most helpful paths to pursue. “Christian formation, coaching, direction, and grief recovery” seems too long a title for my offerings, thus I introduce Christian Coaching Plus, serving an umbrella for each of these practices that fit together in various, meaningful ways.

Please take some time to peruse the website. It is my pleasure to introduce you to my offerings for one-on-one coaching, group coaching, workshops, spiritual direction (I prefer to call it Spiritual Companioning), grief recovery, and pastoral counseling. My desire is to give from the blessings I have received from God. These blessings include life’s dramatic twists and turns, droughts, floods, fog, ice, sunshine, and the glory of beautiful sunsets. Welcome!

What I Offer

I believe that when we are open to finding God’s will and path for our life, we discover our true purpose, along with the peace and joy that only comes from following that path. I am pleased to offer both individual and group sessions via Zoom. If you are local and prefer in-person sessions, those can be arranged as well.  

One-on-One Coaching

I listen to your desires for growth and guide you using specific tools, encouragement, prayer, support, accountability as you wish, and most importantly the Scriptures and God’s Spirit.

Coaching requires your desire, commitment, and dedication to work. I will ask you questions that allow you to pause to hear from God in profound ways, perhaps like never before. We will uncover things you may need to release and will create a customized plan of action for your needs, as I offer encouragement and loving care through this period of growth. If you wish to learn more about these one-on-one coaching sessions, including pricing, click on “I’m interested.

Group Coaching

Though needs are individual, people often find encouragement and energy from group coaching. Within my five or six-week group coach offerings, I will include two personalized encouragement sessions (30 minutes) as you desire.

I offer seven different group coaching sessions:

Journey toward wholeness:
A six-week coaching session on finding your God-given identity, living from your core values, and finding and using your gifts for greater clarity. Together with the God who created you, we will journey to re-align your life to your God given dreams.

Ministry/leadership soul care: A six-week coaching session for leaders who desire coaching in greater soul care, self-awareness, leading from your gifts, letting go of control, understanding group chemistry, and more.

Care for caregivers: A four-week coaching session for caregivers, offering helpful tools along with spiritual and emotional support.

Finding God in Life Transitions: A six-week session on recognizing change and navigating, grieving, celebrating, and growing through all sorts of life transitions.

Peace-filled God-awareness: A six-week session on finding God in your everyday life and discerning His will for your season of life.

Deepening Physical and Emotional health: A six-week session on incorporating a healthier lifestyle of exercise, rest, eating, and thinking.

Breaking barriers: A six-week session helping you identify inner conflicts, learning to let go, forgive, and move forward.

These groups will be capped at 5 people and prioritized by interest and need. I offer workshops during the day or evening. The cost of the group sessions are $150, with the exception of the caregiving session which is free. I also offer scholarships and a sliding scale as needed. If you wish to participate in one of these group coaching sessions or learn more about pricing, click on “I’m interested.

Grief Recovery (Coming Soon!)

Coming Soon and Stay Tuned !


What my clients say

Throughout our conversations, Jeanie helped me learn more about myself. She encouraged my spiritual and emotional growth. Although it’s been about a year since our last session, I still see her positive influence in my day-to-day life. I couldn’t be more appreciative of having been coached by her. -Alice

Jeanie is an excellent listener. She helped me to understand what I was feeling. I could now understand how to process what I had been through and what I was currently going through. She gave me tools to work with to assist in the growth I needed to do this. The time I invested with her helped me to articulate a vision for future goals and to begin to dream. -Candy B.

I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be coached by Dr. Jeanie Shaw during one of the most challenging periods of my life as a disciple of Jesus. She gently guided me to revisit my relationship with God and helped me see myself as His beloved son. Dr. Shaw also provided valuable insights on how to be a better husband to my wife. Through tools, assignments, encouragement, and guidance, she empowered me to overcome my struggles. I am deeply thankful for her support. -Ed

My time with Jeanie has been incredibly healing. Her support, her understanding and compassion has helped me in my relationship with God and others. Knowing I can talk to someone who understands my church history has soothed some wounds from the past and enabled me to fully move on, deepening my love for God and giving me a sense of the big picture. -Colleen

Initially, I hesitated to seek coaching, but working with Jeanie was a blessing. Her ability to listen, guide, and provide resources was incredibly helpful. She created a supportive and encouraging environment that helped me navigate this challenging time. I’m especially grateful for her experience and wisdom, which made her insights particularly valuable. Her advice, rooted in her own personal journey, was not just theoretical; it was impactful and transformative. -Ayhanna

Jeanie was wonderful to work with. She was welcoming, warm, thoughtful, and wise - all over Zoom! She brought new perspectives on areas that I was stuck in, and brought God into all of the areas of my life. She taught me new ways to visualize and deepen my view of God as well as how to handle problems with Him. I always looked forward to our times together and am so grateful for them! I recommend her to all! -Maggie R

My sessions with Jeanie have been a kiss from God! Her spiritual guidance- starting and ending each session in prayer as well as lighting a candle to symbolize God’s Spirit being with us for our time together has emphasized that God is at the center of our sessions. Her perspective and the tools she has given have helped me to work through and get unstuck with areas in my life. Thank you, Jeanie! - KH

Jeanie coached me through some communication issues with my wife as well as with building friendships with others. Her approach was insightful and empathetic, yet encouraging and compelling at the same time. I was also appreciative of the Christian perspective she brought to our coaching time together. I highly recommend Jeanie! - Matt A.

Jeanie tailored our sessions to address my specific concerns and areas of exploration, celebrated milestones, and provided an array of handouts and tools for my own use and pace of growth. When recalling my coaching sessions with Jeanie, I’m reminded of Psalm 40:2, “He lifted me out of the slimy pit, out of the mud and mire; he set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand.” God indeed did the lifting, but Jeanie came alongside me to help sort through, play with, and clean off a bit of the mud. -R.A.

Contact Me

You may reach out to me at [email protected] for a free consultation.