Devotional Thoughts

Courage In the Middle of Lentils

Courage In the Middle of Lentils

You never know what might inspire you while eating a bowl of lentils. Today my bowl of soup seemingly called out to me, "Where is your courage, Jeanie?"   Stay with me here.  The lentils may speak to you as well. David (as in the young boy who slew the giant and...

When Remembrance Gets Personal

When Remembrance Gets Personal

Reposting from a couple of years ago...because it's important to remember. Since I was in New York for a conference during the week of the twelfth anniversary of the 2001 terrorist attack I was “hesitantly eager” to visit the September 11 Memorial.  Upon arrival, the...

When You Have to Go With Plan B

When You Have to Go With Plan B

Seven swimsuit-clad children (and their parents) were filled with great anticipation on this unofficial last day of summer. The weather was fully cooperating as the kids woke from their "cousin sleepover". We had celebrated Caleb's birthday the night before and the...

Drinking From a Fire Hydrant

Ever feel like so much information comes your way that it's hard to focus?  News, sports, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, deadlines, work and school projects...the list goes on and on. I find that when I take in too much information I often end up "stuck" and...

Imagination Overtakes the Nap

Imagination Overtakes the Nap

Exhaustion was nearing as Gracie and Emery (two of my granddaughters) headed upstairs for their naps. They were sharing a room for their rest time—since as cousins and best friends they desired to be together every possible moment during Gracie’s two- day visit. It...

An Urgent Message from Stewart the Frog

An Urgent Message from Stewart the Frog

Early one morning Stewart the Frog’s curiosity sent him into the fields beyond his familiar pond.  As he explored, he happened upon a container that was filled with water.  Hot from hopping, he climbed in to get refreshed and re-hydrated.  He was so comfortable in the...

6 Spiritual Drippings from an Ice Cream Cone

Who knew I’d grow deeper with God through ice cream? Wanting to make sure my words are helpful and true, I’ve felt the need to do plenty of “research” over the past few months.  So, a couple of times a week I have forced myself to dig deeper into these thoughts...

One Shoe and the Queen

Last night, wearing one shoe, I spoke with the queen. I was on my way home from a concert when somewhere in the shuffle of the crowd—I lost a shoe. I kept walking and ended up in a meadow overlooking the most beautiful expanse of water and forest I had ever seen. I...

Legacy of Love

A worn and underlined Bible, pages nearly transparent. Two signs that once proudly stood  displayed atop a large work desk. These are treasured mementos—gathered from familiar belongings my dad left behind. They’re treasured, because they represent his way of life....

Woman on Fire

I smelled something funny and realized it was me—on fire. I’ve only literally been on fire three times.  The first was as a bridesmaid when my sleeve came too close to a candelabra.  Fortunately, the sleeve sizzled a bit…but the flame just sort of melted the fabric....

4 Ways to Capture Negative Thoughts

Today's post takes a different form from my norm.  In this video I'll share practical applications of the scriptures that call us to "take our thoughts captive"--which is certainly easier to read than to do! thought right now is that I feel quite vulnerable...

Broken Chains

Oh, the inspiration and the irony. The past few days have been full of both. Normandy, France, was to me...a piece of history. That is...until yesterday when I experienced this place of beauty and blood-stained sand--where a decade before I was born something happened...

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You may reach out to me at [email protected] for a free consultation.