The River Speaks


Latest Blogs

The Gulls at the Cove: A Reflection on 70 Orbits Around the Sun

The Gulls at the Cove: A Reflection on 70 Orbits Around the Sun

Tomorrow marks my seventy orbits around the sun. 70 years ago on March 23, my dad came home from work to take my mom to the hospital. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw the three-year-old neighbor boy ride his tricycle off of our dock and into the backyard pond....

I Have News! A New Release

I Have News! A New Release

While I like to write blogs that involve stories that aid spiritual growth, I find that pragmatism occasionally rules. When I write a book, I realize that if I don’t let people know it exists it will be of no benefit.  I will get back to more “blog type” posts in the...

What am I Waiting For? And…2023 Good Reads

What am I Waiting For? And…2023 Good Reads

I captured this picture, representing thoughts going through my head concerning “failure to claim what is waiting for me.” I received this gift card, pictured, for a one-hour massage. I don’t remember the occasion for the gift; I just know I received it about eight or...

Christmas Blessings to You

Christmas Blessings to You

As I send each Christmas greeting, I like to pause to treasure memories of you and offer a prayer of thanksgiving. I am so grateful for my friends and family, including each of you who take the time to connect with me via my website, books, and blogs. The connection...

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

(I wrote this blog over a month ago as I was finishing a course on pilgrimage. Intentional journeys have helped me grow.)  I heard birds singing, accompanied by the light panting of my canine companion as we walked our...

When the River Floods

When the River Floods

I couldn’t get to the dock today because the river was overflowing. Flooded. As I looked around, I noticed yellow caution tape preventing access to the flooded parking lot and stairs. The bridge accessing the dock could barely be seen underneath many feet of water. As...

An End and A Beginning

An End and A Beginning

I felt both thrilled and sad Sunday night when I turned in my very last school assignment. Though I still have dissertation revisions ahead, my coursework is finished. Done. No more assignments. My five-year spiritual formation masters and doctoral program coursework...

Devotional Thoughts

When the River Floods

When the River Floods

I couldn’t get to the dock today because the river was overflowing. Flooded. As I looked around, I noticed yellow caution tape preventing access to the flooded parking lot and stairs. The bridge accessing the dock could barely be seen underneath many feet of water. As...

Beauty from Weakness

Beauty from Weakness

I recently returned from Ireland and learned that rivers speak to me in that beautiful country, just as they do in my country. The accent may be slightly different, but I can clearly understand a river’s message in any country. As I walked miles along the Avonmore...

Gratitude, Curiosity, and the Spirit

Gratitude, Curiosity, and the Spirit

At precisely this time, 48 years ago, I was running some last-minute errands  in preparation for our wedding, which would be happening later at 3:00 pm,  December 14, 1974. I was at the store with a friend trying to find a blue garter (what a stupid tradition that...

A Blessing Sandwich

A Blessing Sandwich

Do you remember God’s first recorded words to humankind? After their creation, Gen 1:28 records, “God blessed them and said to them….” God’s first communication to His beloved was a blessing. Remember that. Luke 24:36-53 remains one of my favorite accounts of Jesus. I...

God Gave Me an Eagle

God Gave Me an Eagle

I moved to Connecticut in July. That is when I first met the goose who lived down by the river. I walk along the Connecticut River daily, and this goose brought me comfort each day. I can’t be sure, but I believe God put him there just for me. You see, he arrived the...

When Life Becomes a Carnival

When Life Becomes a Carnival

I often share about my lovely new town and the peaceful view of the river from my front window. I love to walk my dog through the field across the street, lingering along the shore.I stop to greet the goose that has been my friend since the time I moved here. I think...

When Father’s Day Sneaks Up and Kicks You in the Gut

Anticipating Father’s Day is hard for me, and likely for many of you. I enjoy most holidays, but this one always gets me. I miss my husband, who was the safe, wise, and strong place for our kids (and me). I miss my dad, whose huge smile, kidney-chopper hugs, and...

Life Lessons

The Gulls at the Cove: A Reflection on 70 Orbits Around the Sun

The Gulls at the Cove: A Reflection on 70 Orbits Around the Sun

Tomorrow marks my seventy orbits around the sun. 70 years ago on March 23, my dad came home from work to take my mom to the hospital. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw the three-year-old neighbor boy ride his tricycle off of our dock and into the backyard pond....

Things I Learned from My House Fire

Things I Learned from My House Fire

Six weeks ago, as I sat at my dinner table with friends, one of them screamed as she witnessed the scene unfolding out the window. Huge flames ascended toward the darkened sky, illuminating the catastrophe in the making. The house next door to me was ablaze. I own the...

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

(I wrote this blog over a month ago as I was finishing a course on pilgrimage. Intentional journeys have helped me grow.)  I heard birds singing, accompanied by the light panting of my canine companion as we walked our...

The Yearly and Daily Examen…2022 Musings

The Yearly and Daily Examen…2022 Musings

Most days, as I watch the sunset over the Connecticut River across the street from my house, I reflect on the previous hours of daylight. An ancient practice, called the Spiritual Examen, is a prayerful reflection of the events of the day to find God’s presence and...

Dear Tom Brady, you hurt my feelings. Love, a grandmother

Dear Tom Brady, you hurt my feelings. Love, a grandmother

Dear Tom Brady, You hurt my feelings. I enjoy football, but to be honest, since I no longer have cable I have only watched part of one football game this season. I know this is heresy to some. However, as a long-time Patriots fan and New England resident, I shed a few...

Transitions – Lots of Them

Transitions – Lots of Them

Transitions happen. Lots of them. Though I didn’t have a choice concerning the last chapter of losing Wyndham, I have certainly felt the Spirit’s urging and presence in moving forward to new chapters. Since that time, among other transitions, I sold my house of...

A Big Transition…A New Chapter

A Big Transition…A New Chapter

A thriller, a comedy, a tragedy, poetry, a fairy tale, and a historical narrative all rolled into one. This is the book I am writing as I continue walking “jeaniesjourneys.” Thankfully, God is the author and perfecter of my life story (Heb 12:2), and we are writing...

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You may reach out to me at for a free consultation.