Life Lessons

The Gulls at the Cove: A Reflection on 70 Orbits Around the Sun

The Gulls at the Cove: A Reflection on 70 Orbits Around the Sun

Tomorrow marks my seventy orbits around the sun. 70 years ago on March 23, my dad came home from work to take my mom to the hospital. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw the three-year-old neighbor boy ride his tricycle off of our dock and into the backyard pond....

Things I Learned from My House Fire

Things I Learned from My House Fire

Six weeks ago, as I sat at my dinner table with friends, one of them screamed as she witnessed the scene unfolding out the window. Huge flames ascended toward the darkened sky, illuminating the catastrophe in the making. The house next door to me was ablaze. I own the...

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

(I wrote this blog over a month ago as I was finishing a course on pilgrimage. Intentional journeys have helped me grow.)  I heard birds singing, accompanied by the light panting of my canine companion as we walked our...

The Yearly and Daily Examen…2022 Musings

The Yearly and Daily Examen…2022 Musings

Most days, as I watch the sunset over the Connecticut River across the street from my house, I reflect on the previous hours of daylight. An ancient practice, called the Spiritual Examen, is a prayerful reflection of the events of the day to find God’s presence and...

Dear Tom Brady, you hurt my feelings. Love, a grandmother

Dear Tom Brady, you hurt my feelings. Love, a grandmother

Dear Tom Brady, You hurt my feelings. I enjoy football, but to be honest, since I no longer have cable I have only watched part of one football game this season. I know this is heresy to some. However, as a long-time Patriots fan and New England resident, I shed a few...

Transitions – Lots of Them

Transitions – Lots of Them

Transitions happen. Lots of them. Though I didn’t have a choice concerning the last chapter of losing Wyndham, I have certainly felt the Spirit’s urging and presence in moving forward to new chapters. Since that time, among other transitions, I sold my house of...

A Big Transition…A New Chapter

A Big Transition…A New Chapter

A thriller, a comedy, a tragedy, poetry, a fairy tale, and a historical narrative all rolled into one. This is the book I am writing as I continue walking “jeaniesjourneys.” Thankfully, God is the author and perfecter of my life story (Heb 12:2), and we are writing...

Link to the Caregivers’ Workshop recordings

Link to the Caregivers’ Workshop recordings

Saturday was a great day, with over four hundred registered for the free caregivers' conference. I deeply appreciate the godly wisdom and raw honesty shared by everyone. Hopefully, I'll post more blogs soon, but in the meantime, I will share a link to the recordings...

Finding and Feeling the Pleasure of God: New Chapters

Finding and Feeling the Pleasure of God: New Chapters

Transitions never stop. Chapters end and new ones begin. In each transition I find new opportunities to grow. I recently shared on Facebook about my graduation, the end of a chapter. I prefer to use the word “commencement.” A new beginning. I want to express a...

Celebration of Life Program that Traveled to Kentucky

Celebration of Life Program that Traveled to Kentucky

  Thank you, from the bottom of my heart for your prayers and support as we honored Wyndham yesterday. I felt them. Attached is a link to his Celebration of Life service. I am also including a photo of the program, which unfortunately ended up in Kentucky instead...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – Wisdom Finishes Victoriously

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – Wisdom Finishes Victoriously

Though I knew the day would come, I always longed for the day to be another day, not this one. But the day came. I said goodbye (for now) to my beloved Wyndham last Thursday. I am grateful for every day and every extra day that God gave us. A week ago I got to hear...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 119

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 119

Wisdom and Waldo “Where’s Wally (Waldo)?” is an oft-asked question in a book series. In these books, a little guy named Waldo in a red and white striped shirt and glasses hides among many other characters. The reader is challenged to find Waldo amidst the many other...

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