My Books


Newest Release:

In Jesus the Master Teacher: Transforming our Hearts

Jeanie explores the motivation, identity, fundamental beliefs, questions, and communal relationships from which Jesus teaches as he demonstrates for us how to think, live, interact, and connect with him and each other. Throughout the chapters, she invites us to “pause to consider” meaningful thoughts and questions that will help us take his teachings from our heads to our hearts, thus becoming more godly, effective, and fulfilled teachers and learners.

What Now, God? Finding God in Transitions

In What Now, God? Finding God in Transitions, Jeanie Shaw digs deep into our hearts and lives using biblical, personal, and contemporary examples while offering wisdom and practical advice for navigating transitions of all kinds. Exploring one’s identity, core values, and transitional habits, she offers insights into both grieving and celebrating change. While vulnerably sharing her transition journeys, she leads us straight to the heart of God, reminding us that we are not alone. After each chapter, voices of men and women, both young and older, share ways they found God in uncertain, transitional times.

Order from Illumination Publishers

Re-Examining Our Lenses

Sometimes, the various ways we interpret the written Word can cloud our view of the Living Word. In Re-Examining Our Lenses, Jeanie Shaw asks us to consider how a selective-literal, Western, and scientific hermeneutic, especially common to those from Restoration church backgrounds, profoundly influences how we view discipleship and spiritual growth. Offering revised lens options for greater clarity and an increased spirit of unity, she invites us to deepen our intimacy with God. As you read these pages and gain clarity, you will be challenged and thrilled to discover new ways to renew and rejuvenate your relationship with the ever-present, living God.

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What readers are saying:

In this book, Jeanie has beautifully put into words what all of us have thought, felt, and experienced. She does an outstanding job of showing us how to not just let life happen to us, but instead to let life and its transitions make us into the men and women God wants us to become. This book encourages, instructs, inspires, and comforts. Thank you, Jeanie!

Geri Laing

Author of A Life Worth Living, Raising Awesome Kids, and Friends and Lovers

In this wonderful book, Jeanie has invited us into her living room and shared her heart, mind, and soul with us. In doing so, she gifts us with the wisdom that comes only through experiencing heights of joy and depths of sorrow while living in the hands of our ineffable God. Her journey through transitions and the lessons she shares with the reader are life giving.

Robert Carrillo

Minister and Author

An insightful and excellent writer, Jeanie invites us to walk with her through all kinds of transitions as she points us to the identity we can know in Christ when transitions tempt us to question those identities. I was encouraged, comforted, and challenged…but most of all grateful for the practical suggestions offered to help us prepare for and navigate through transitions. I’m better for having read this book.

Guillermo Adame

Financial Consultant

Jeanie does a phenomenal job of helping the reader understand that transitions are not only normal and inevitable, but also offer amazing opportunities to receive God’s love, comfort, and support. Grief is often the overlooked component of our spiritual formation, but Jeanie outlines the very intimate way that God can use our pain from transitions to form and mature us, if we are willing. By revealing the Holy Spirit’s invitation to deeper connection, this book most certainly helped me to look at transitions from a fresh perspective and embrace even the most painful transitions in life.

Curtis Reed

Grief Recovery and Transition Coach

Wow, everyone please read this book. As a therapist, I am always looking for books that could be helpful for those I support. What I found was that I needed to read these pages myself. And what an inspiring read it was. Transitions can bring many hardships, hence the diagnosis of Adjustment Disorder is in the diagnostic manual. Jeanie has provided a scripture filled, Holy Spirit directed, practical hand up to navigate these kind of challenging times. And she made me laugh!

Dr. Jennifer Konzen

Therapist, Author, Researcher, Professor, International Speaker

Teaching Books


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re-examining our lenses

Specialty Spiritual Growth Books

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My Children’s Books

I currently have three “grandchildren and elementary school class approved” books for children–Fruity Tunes and the Adventures of Rotten Apple, Rosie and Opal: Finding Hope, and The Helping Garden.

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My Devotional Books:

My Morning Cup, Turkey, Chicken, Every Day is a New Chance

The books in My “Morning Cup Devotionals” series feature anecdotes from the simple to the sublime. As I share my convictions, faith, and the Scriptures, these stories from my “real life” are sure to deepen your walk with God and invigorate your soul.

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My First Books

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Contact Me

You may reach out to me at [email protected] for a free consultation.