by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 2, 2023 | Articles
Introduction For thousands of years the Old Testament has transformed the lives of men and women, and it continues to transform mine. These Scriptures refresh, renew, and build my faith as I more clearly find my story in His story. Throughout the Scriptures “spiritual...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 2, 2023 | Articles
Dallas Willard’s, The Divine Conspiracy, reaches deep into the heart and soul of Christianity. In contrast to fleeting worldly philosophies and pop culture, Willard assures that Jesus is forever relevant and gives wholeness to one’s life. (Willard, 20) He then invites...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 2, 2023 | Articles
Christian communities reflect the presuppositions and lived experiences of their members, so formation must take into consideration the backgrounds and cultures of the participants while intentionally building a “kingdom of God” culture. This requires a posture of...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 2, 2023 | Articles
He knew His time was short. This carpenter from Galilee, Jesus, thought of you and me as He looked into the heart and eyes of twelve unschooled, ordinary men. He would depend on these men to carry His redeeming message of salvation to all the world from generation to...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 2, 2023 | Articles
Introduction Often referred to as the water that divides, baptism holds significant scriptural significance while employing varied meanings in religious traditions. Divided waters, however, have a positive connotation in the Scriptures—often leading to deliverance for...