6 Spiritual Drippings from an Ice Cream Cone

Who knew I’d grow deeper with God through ice cream? Wanting to make sure my words are helpful and true, I’ve felt the need to do plenty of “research” over the past few months.  So, a couple of times a week I have forced myself to dig deeper into these thoughts...

One Shoe and the Queen

Last night, wearing one shoe, I spoke with the queen. I was on my way home from a concert when somewhere in the shuffle of the crowd—I lost a shoe. I kept walking and ended up in a meadow overlooking the most beautiful expanse of water and forest I had ever seen. I...

Legacy of Love

A worn and underlined Bible, pages nearly transparent. Two signs that once proudly stood  displayed atop a large work desk. These are treasured mementos—gathered from familiar belongings my dad left behind. They’re treasured, because they represent his way of life....

Woman on Fire

I smelled something funny and realized it was me—on fire. I’ve only literally been on fire three times.  The first was as a bridesmaid when my sleeve came too close to a candelabra.  Fortunately, the sleeve sizzled a bit…but the flame just sort of melted the fabric....

5 Dangers of Social Media Quicksand

You’ve heard of quicksand, right? It looks the same as other sand, but once you step on it you are drawn into the earth…sucked down toward the core. The more you wiggle, the deeper you sink–as it takes you down with its miry grasp. Yes, this can also happen with...