Through His Mother’s Eyes

It’s December.  The tree is up, the carols are playing and it’s cold outside.  It feels like the Christmas season has officially arrived.  Yesterday, Mike Lamb preached about having a “different” Christmas  (without stress and without...

Dental Floss and Duct Tape

If you were stranded somewhere, what items would you most want to have in your pocket or your purse? I know what I’d want to have close at hand – dental floss and duct tape. The versatility of these items is impressive.  Dental floss has helped me out of numerous...

Getting a Round Tuit

There are many arenas where I can get stuck in the “almost going for it” stance.  The longer I take to leave the starting block, the more overwhelmed I can feel to start or “restart” something I actually really want to do. Then, anticipatory fatigue (thanks Fred...

One Word

As my granddaughter, Lexi, was sitting on our kitchen counter on the morning of her fourth birthday she was discussing with her parents the upcoming birthday dinner which was to take place that evening.  (Her family is living with us, while waiting to move into their...

Marking Wars

I’ve faced a lot of “big deal” things that have tested my faith and perseverance.  Sometimes however, it’s the “little annoyances” that take the wind out of your sails and test your faith and perseverance  seemingly more than some big issues.   These can sneak up and...