Forming Our Theology

Forming Our Theology

As a woman prepared dinner for her friend, she cut off the end portion of the ham she was planning to serve. She placed the ham on a pan and put it in the oven. Her friend inquired as to why she cut off a portion of the ham before cooking. The woman explained that...
A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

A Pilgrimage Walk of Remembrance

(I wrote this blog over a month ago as I was finishing a course on pilgrimage. Intentional journeys have helped me grow.)  I heard birds singing, accompanied by the light panting of my canine companion as we walked our familiar trail during the noontide heat of...
When the River Floods

When the River Floods

I couldn’t get to the dock today because the river was overflowing. Flooded. As I looked around, I noticed yellow caution tape preventing access to the flooded parking lot and stairs. The bridge accessing the dock could barely be seen underneath many feet of water. As...
An End and A Beginning

An End and A Beginning

I felt both thrilled and sad Sunday night when I turned in my very last school assignment. Though I still have dissertation revisions ahead, my coursework is finished. Done. No more assignments. My five-year spiritual formation masters and doctoral program coursework...