I Can’t Hear You!

I rattled the dish, ever so quietly – and Denver came running over, thinking it was time to be fed.  This little puppy devours his food in a matter of seconds, with what seems like one gulp.  The slightest crumpling of a bag or rattling of a dish sends him into...

Excuse Me, There’s a Turkey at Your Door!

On the way home from lunch today I noticed a visitor at my neighbor’s front door.   He was patiently waiting, looking as though he had just rung the doorbell while waiting to be invited in.  The strange thing about this scene was that the visitor was a turkey.  Yes, a...

The Annoyed Older Brother

Our older dog hates Denver.  Ok, I’ll put it out there and call him by name – “Blackie.”  Let me begin with a disclaimer.  I love him, but I don’t like his name.  His name was left to the discretion of our youngest son, who being from another country, had a...

Leaving a Mark

As I prepare to write, I stand amazed at how quickly and thoroughly our new puppy has impact wherever he goes.  In about ten seconds time he has chewed a box, tried to pull out the computer wire, chomped on the trashcan, brought out a towel, carried papers away and...

Up Close and Personal

I’m finally holding our fluffy furball…and I’m “in love”.  We now have our new puppy “in person”.  We’ve anticipated this new adventure for a while.  The little guy is now no longer an idea or a plan.  Though I had received internet pictures and a bit of information...