Getting Rid of “Rotten Apple”

Sometimes life moves at a challenging pace.  The past several weeks have been particularly swift and challenging; thus, my lack of recent posts.  Amidst all of the family drama over the past few weeks (much of which I have previously written about), a week ago our...

My Solid Rock

This was the view out of my bathroom window last week.  It was a quick view, as I had to cut short my trip.  I held on to this picture in my mind, as the magnificence of this snow-covered mound of rock took my breath away.  Since this time I have thought of this image...

The Caterpillar Killer!

As you may have noticed I’ve been away from home this week.  The day before we left my friend, Vanessa, who lives with us pointed out a few small, yellow, worm-like caterpillars on the kitchen ceiling. Disgusted with their presence, and being a bit of a neat-freak...

Caller Blocked

My daughters and I talk on the phone at least once a day.  I love talking with them.  We talk about fun things with the kids, hard things, simple things as well as deep things in our hearts.  We laugh, cry, or just enjoy each others company. It’s important to us...