

I was sitting on the pier at sunset, while my husband was casting a line.  We were still in Jacksonville, awaiting the funeral for my father in law.  Wyndham had many memories of times shared with his dad as they fished on that pier. As one who doesn’t like to smell,...

Running From the Neighbor

Yes, that’s right.  My neighborhood had an exhibitionist.  We found out because of my afternoon skate-boarding adventure.  Those of you who read My Morning Cup will not be surprised to hear of this experience. .. it sort of goes with the flow. As a preteen, or perhaps...

Back to School

Children and teens go back to school each year.  So do I.  It seems there’s always a new “class” I’m taking, like it or not.  However, the beautiful thing is that my teacher is perfect.  He expects my best – but he genuinely loves me and stays with me to...

Empty Jars

We buried my father-in-law Saturday.  He was our last living parent.  It was a difficult few weeks for the family as his life left his physical body.  I felt honored to be there as he breathed his last breath.  He passed peacefully, and was appropriately honored.  I...

A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way

Just fed my dogs.  This is a routine my husband and I share every morning.  Our dogs never cease to thrill at this very predictable routine. Jordan, our 14-year-old Golden Retriever, has always been fed in the basement, where we keep his giant tub of food.  (No...