Devotional Thoughts


Getting Past the ABC’s – Annoyance, Bedlam and Chaos

I’ve renamed the dogs.  Let me introduce them.  Annoyance is on the left.   Bedlam is front and center and Chaos is on the right.   They had tested me throughout the day yesterday, and it culminated this morning – about 4am.  The older dog (Blackie, aka “Jackie”)...

Heart Monitor

Accessorizing is not always easy - especially today.  For several years I have had occasional heart palpitations, that can become rather annoying.  So, during my annual physical my doctor prescribed me a heart monitor to find out what is going on.  Likely, all is...

Elephant in the Living Room

The other day I was visiting a friend in Burlington, Vermont, when I noticed a small dragon in her living room.   I inquired as to the friendliness of this creature in the room and whether or not it was supposed to be "out".   I was told it was actually sunning...

The Ticket

Micah clutched the ticket as if he would never let go.  I had placed this precious blue ticket in my youngest grandson’s hand as we rode the train back home.  It was our round trip ticket to Boston.  I told him he could keep it to remember the day.  Micah had just...

Troubles and Treasures of Travel

I have come to realize that I am a home-body.  Yet, for years my job has required travel.  A number of years ago we (my husband and I) worked with a ministry in our church that served the poor throughout numerous under-developed countries. It is impossible to do this...

The Red “X”

For days now - months actually, I’ve driven by these two trees.  I always notice them, as each one displays a big red “X” on its trunk.  I’ve wondered if the markings were graffiti, or if the trees were diseased and needed treatment, or if they were perhaps marked for...

My, How Things Change!

We were pulling into Boston, with our car fully packed.  The year was 1987 and we were heading to what would become our new home.  We had our three children in tow, one dog, a few belongings and wondered what this new chapter of our life would bring.  I looked back at...

Kicking Trees

When, as a young girl I got mad, frustrated or began whining my mother gave me words of wisdom.  At the time, I didn't know they were words of wisdom.  I just thought her words of instruction were normal protocol.  Her instruction was this.  "Go outside, run around...

De-Dreading the Dentist…and other things

I strongly dislike going to the dentist.  Yesterday was my semi- annual teeth cleaning appointment. (I was six months late scheduling this appointment, so it actually became my annual appointment.) It's far too easy to procrastinate doing things I don't enjoy. ...

Obedience is UNDERrated!

Obedience training has begun.  My husband is working with our little pup, teaching him four basic commands -  sit, stay, come and no.  These are the commands, that when fully trained, Denver should respond to immediately - and always. I look forward to his increased...

Is God Under ‘They-a’?

My granddaughter, Lexi, (two and a half years old) was 'reading' with her mom yesterday morning.  As in any household with three children, quiet moments are few and far between.  The two older children had gone off to school, and Lexi sat with her mommy as her mommy...

I Can’t Hear You!

I rattled the dish, ever so quietly - and Denver came running over, thinking it was time to be fed.  This little puppy devours his food in a matter of seconds, with what seems like one gulp.  The slightest crumpling of a bag or rattling of a dish sends him into a...

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