Devotional Thoughts


Why I Don’t Like Fishing

As I write this my husband is preparing sixty pounds of cod and haddock filets.  Tomorrow night we will have a fish fry with our family group. The remainder will go to friends, family and the freezer.  Two days after Christmas Wyndham went deep sea fishing and caught...

Out of Gas

…Funny  how empty the house can seem after Christmas.  The last of the family members just pulled out of the driveway and the house is suddenly quiet…  No more squeals, pitter patter of little feet, giggles or “Mom…she’s trying to get my stuff!”  I miss that "music"....

Through A Mother’s Eyes – Mary’s monologue

...Been thinking today... as I'm busy cooking and wrapping - of the amazing and incredible difference the birth of Jesus has made in my life!  I've often thought about what life must have been like for Mary, Jesus' mother - and the difference his birth made in her...

Snippets of Love

The Christmas cards almost didn’t go out this year due to “communication stuckness”.  This is a ‘condition’ that sometimes affects me.  It happens when there is so much to say, or so many things to catch up on that I don’t know where to start.  Unfortunately, the...

Connecting to the Network

I got a “new toy”.  As one who likes to write, I often carry my laptop and it gets heavy.  I’ve been saving up for a tablet, and when the one I was eyeing was 70% off (for one day only) I decided it was time to purchase.  It’s not quite as user friendly as some (or...

Thirty-Seven Years

How do you tell someone you have loved for nearly forty years that you love them…in such a way that you really express the depth of your heart?  I met my husband 40 years ago when my “then boyfriend”  invited him to church with us.  He was the resident adviser in the...

Anatomy of Encouragement

Luke 18:17   I tell you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it." Over the Thanksgiving weekend we gathered for our annual Shaw family photo.  As the family grows - this is no small feat.  In fact, when you...

Show Me

I’m a visual learner.  You can tell me something, and I may or may not remember or understand it.  For instance, as a young teen (or preteen- can’t remember as that was a long time ago) I volunteered in a hospital as a candy-striper.  I thought I might enter the...

Deworming the Earworm

Eeeew!  This is my reaction to this disgusting-sounding title. However, this post is not really going to be about slimy creatures living inside the crevices of our inner ears or about long squiggly worms "gracefully" cascading down from the openings in our ears....

An Attitude of Gratitude

Ever wonder why some people, even amid dire circumstances, continue to be thankful, content and happy individuals while others, who have access to many good things, complain, are unhappy and easily annoyed? I have observed that there is a common theme with gratitude -...

The Circle of Life

The circle keeps on turning.  Over the past two months I've keenly felt its spin.  After burying Wyndham's dad in early fall I reflected how short a long life of 92 years really is in the scheme of time.  The scripture is so true in James 4:14 Why, you do not even...

New Life

Thirty four years ago, at this same hour, I was likely preparing for bed.  Pregnant with my first child, I wondered if by some chance my child would be born on my due date, November 17. Wyndham, sick with a bad cold, had remarked that he hoped it would not be that...

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