Devotional Thoughts


The Caterpillar Killer!

As you may have noticed I’ve been away from home this week.  The day before we left my friend, Vanessa, who lives with us pointed out a few small, yellow, worm-like caterpillars on the kitchen ceiling. Disgusted with their presence, and being a bit of a neat-freak...

Global Roaming

This week my work has taken me out of the country.  As I prepared for my travels I learned I needed to change a few settings on my phone in order to avoid exorbitant data roaming fees.  I also programmed settings allowing me to make calls and send and receive texts...

Caller Blocked

My daughters and I talk on the phone at least once a day.  I love talking with them.  We talk about fun things with the kids, hard things, simple things as well as deep things in our hearts.  We laugh, cry, or just enjoy each others company. It's important to us to...



I was sitting on the pier at sunset, while my husband was casting a line.  We were still in Jacksonville, awaiting the funeral for my father in law.  Wyndham had many memories of times shared with his dad as they fished on that pier. As one who doesn’t like to smell,...

Running From the Neighbor

Yes, that’s right.  My neighborhood had an exhibitionist.  We found out because of my afternoon skate-boarding adventure.  Those of you who read My Morning Cup will not be surprised to hear of this experience. .. it sort of goes with the flow. As a preteen, or perhaps...

Back to School

Children and teens go back to school each year.  So do I.  It seems there’s always a new “class” I’m taking, like it or not.  However, the beautiful thing is that my teacher is perfect.  He expects my best - but he genuinely loves me and stays with me to continually...

Empty Jars

We buried my father-in-law Saturday.  He was our last living parent.  It was a difficult few weeks for the family as his life left his physical body.  I felt honored to be there as he breathed his last breath.  He passed peacefully, and was appropriately honored.  I...

A Little Encouragement Goes a Long Way

Just fed my dogs.  This is a routine my husband and I share every morning.  Our dogs never cease to thrill at this very predictable routine. Jordan, our 14-year-old Golden Retriever, has always been fed in the basement, where we keep his giant tub of food.  (No...

In the Curl of the Wave

Wyndham and I were on a prayer walk this morning.  Feeling a lot with the near-at-hand loss of his dad, we felt the urgent need to pray. Since we are near an ocean, we went there.  As we were praying, the waves were particularly high and loud.  As I watched the waves...

Vanilla Ice Cream, Gentle Rain and Good Friends

I slept last night to the sound of a steady, yet gentle rain.  I stayed awake purposefully, just for a while,  in order to hear the rhythmic sound.  It was nice.  Even though I’m sitting in a three day meeting - it's a time to be not only with fellow workers, but also...

Endings: Butterflies, Eras and Others

I’ve shed tears already this week and it’s only Tuesday.  I’m sure many of you have also shed tears.  My granddaughter sobbed as she buried “Sweetheart”, who for those who read my earlier posts, have met.  Emma, through her tears, said, “I know I can move on… but...

Life — Interrupted

Don't you just relish making a call - and before you can even say "hello" you are placed on hold?  Sometimes it's a short time, sometimes long, sometimes you get disconnected and you may even be forgotten...  Not my favorite scenario!  We had lots of plans this week...

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