Devotional Thoughts


Taking Risks

Risks motivate me as long as I feel they are safe, in the same way that spontaneity thrills me as long as it is planned.  Needless to say, I need courage to take risks.  Risks to be uncomfortable because of my faith; risks to be truthful and bold when truth may not be...

How to Have a Good Day

My husband drove his car into the driveway as I opened the front door. I was  heading out to join him for our weekly extra-long prayer walk. On the way to the car I thought I'd take a quick look at the bird's nest in my hanging geranium, as has been my custom over the...

Random Acts of Kindness

The young man with eyeglasses too big and mismatched socks under his sandals stood on the median of the busy road this afternoon.  I tried to assess his situation, as I eyed him a few car lengths ahead of me.  I felt sad that such a young man would need to beg on the...

Indiana Jones and the Temple of Eggs

My hanging geranium plant has a guest.  A mama bird made a nest, moved in and laid five eggs.  The plant hangs on my front porch, and the anxious mama bird stays busy darting back and forth between an overhanging utility wire and her nest.  She flies back and forth...

The Reading Connection

A couple of weeks ago my daughter ordered a book that had been one of her childhood favorites— Puppies Are Like That.  Her long lost book was worn and tattered after being read again and again. She remembered this book with fondness, and was eager to read it to her...

Today’s the Day!

This morning I thanked God that I got to have another day with him.  As my husband and I groggily (at least I’m groggy) roll out of bed each morning we like to tell each other, “I’m thankful to have another day with you.”  Since he was out of town, after I awoke I...

The “Toy” in My Dog’s Mouth

Sometimes you just misunderstand things.  You hear something differently than what was intended.  Or, as in my case, you wrongly identify an object— and in so doing miss its entire function and purpose.. Last weekend we traveled to San Antonio to speak at a marriage...

Precious Memories and Treasured Traditions

Today, as I finished addressing my Christmas cards I participated in my “second annual Christmas card tradition.”  After enjoying this new tradition, I received a call from my four-year-old granddaughter requesting that we institute a new Christmas tradition with the...

One Instrument at a Time

I thrill to the sound of an orchestra.  One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is to walk into the beautiful Symphony Hall and listen to part of the Boston Symphony Orchestra, the Boston Pops, deliver their magnificent holiday concert.  I often...

Through His Mother’s Eyes

It's December.  The tree is up, the carols are playing and it's cold outside.  It feels like the Christmas season has officially arrived.  Yesterday, Mike Lamb preached about having a "different" Christmas  (without stress and without succumbing to the pressures...

Dental Floss and Duct Tape

If you were stranded somewhere, what items would you most want to have in your pocket or your purse? I know what I’d want to have close at hand – dental floss and duct tape. The versatility of these items is impressive.  Dental floss has helped me out of numerous...

Getting a Round Tuit

There are many arenas where I can get stuck in the “almost going for it” stance.  The longer I take to leave the starting block, the more overwhelmed I can feel to start or “restart” something I actually really want to do. Then, anticipatory fatigue (thanks Fred...

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