I felt both thrilled and sad Sunday night when I turned in my very last school assignment. Though I still have dissertation revisions ahead, my coursework is finished. Done. No more assignments. My five-year spiritual formation masters and doctoral program coursework has come to a close, and strangely, I am going to miss it. Even with the deadlines and projects, learning feeds my soul and makes me a better person. I never want to quit learning or exploring, but as I do I long to put it to good use.
I found this drawing that captures my thoughts.

Last week I introduced my new website, riverfrontcoaching.com. It not only describes my new coaching business but also includes blogs, articles, classes, podcasts, and information about my books and workshops. The home page introduces me and my new coaching practice.
I offer both six -week and nine-week individual coaching sessions. When you click on the “I’m interested” button you can see the pricing. There is also a place to contact me for a free pre-coaching consult.
I also offer six-week group sessions which are limited to five people for each session. Most of the sessions are designed for six weeks and also include several one-on-one sessions. These sessions include:
Journey Toward Wholeness finding your God-given identity, living from your core values, finding and using your gifts, and more);
Breaking Barriers (helping you identify and resolve your inner conflicts, forgive, and move forward).
Leadership/Ministry Soul Care (gaining greater self-awareness, leading from your gifts, letting go of control, understanding group chemistry, and more);
Navigating Life Transitions (taking time to recognize changes and grieving, celebrating, and growing through them);
Peace-Filled God Awareness (Finding God in everyday life and discerning His will for your season of life);
Deepening Physical and Emotional Health (incorporating a healthier lifestyle of exercise, rest, eating, and thinking);
Care for Caregivers. This session is for four weeks and is free of charge, as I know caregivers are stretched in every way. These sessions are designed to help caregivers find peace in what they can and cannot change, learn to communicate needs, and take their emotions to God.
My blog page is called “The River Speaks.” When you open this page, you will have the opportunity to sign up to be notified via email whenever I publish a new blog. This allows me to be in touch with my readers and helps establish the website. Thank you for signing up! Those who have followed me on jeaniejourneys.com should receive notification to be transferred to my new site. Thanks so much for journeying with me and I hope you will gain as much from coaching as I have. I hope to see you there.
I am so excited for you and all those who will benefit from your wise counsel! God bless !
Thanks so much, Marcia. That means a lot.