On Being a Woman

The youngest of four girls. Two daughters. Six granddaughters. There’s a lot of estrogen in my family (at least for the younger ones).  On this International Women’s Day, and every day, I am grateful to be a woman, created by God with value and purpose.  I long for...

Some exciting news!

It’s been a while since I’ve “refilled” a morning cup, but for good reason. I’ve been working on a big project and can’t seem to “walk and chew gum” at the same time.  Thus, no blogs. I’m excited to tell you of this new project, which should be released from...

Drinking From a Fire Hydrant

Ever feel like so much information comes your way that it’s hard to focus?  News, sports, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, deadlines, work and school projects…the list goes on and on. I find that when I take in too much information I often end up...

Yes, There Really is a New Release!

I can pretend I was cultivating curiosity…but to be honest, the post I just released was accidental. While updating the pages on this website (by the way, check out the new pages), I  inadvertently sent out a new post. However, I really do have a new release....