by Jeanie Shaw | Jan 5, 2021 | Bible Studies, Books, and Academics
Happy New Year dear friends. It has been quite the year, but as I look back I find so many blessings from God. Also, thank you so much for your encouraging words concerning “Wednesdays with Wyndham,” including pictures you have sent of you while reading it. I have...
by Jeanie Shaw | Dec 9, 2020 | Bible Studies, Books, and Academics
Since it’s Wednesday, today seems the perfect day to officially release my new book, Wednesdays With Wyndham: Godly Wisdom for Everyday Life. I realize this is a different sort of posting today. I truly hate marketing and always feel weird talking about my new books,...
by Jeanie Shaw | Nov 24, 2020 | Devotional Thoughts
This past Saturday marked one year since my amazing husband died. I wondered how the day would feel. Would I celebrate his one-year heavenly birthday, mourn his loss, look at pictures, relive the horrible day, all of the above, or something else altogether? While we...
by Jeanie Shaw | Sep 30, 2020 | Devotional Thoughts
While “the last word” can describe a pushy eagerness to be the first and last to express an opinion, it can also be a message for another’s good, to communicate love. Sadly, the first example can be heard around us everywhere, physically and virtually. Wyndham’s last...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 5, 2020 | Devotional Thoughts
I love “Papa’s bench,” the memorial bench I purchased that was placed at the reservoir five minutes from my house. I often walk and pray around the two-mile perimeter surrounding the lake while Denver frolics and fetches sticks from the water. I chose a...