Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 103

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 103

Wisdom and the Bunny Every once in a while, communication goes awry. Okay, maybe more than occasionally. Through a recent communication hurdle, I was reminded that wisdom does not assume one understands what someone else is saying until one really understands what the...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 102

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 102

Wisdom Runs the Marathon  Last week my city hosted the Boston marathon, a running event. At times our lives can seem rather “marathonic” as we do the same things over and over for a long time—leaving us tired and depleted. Just when we feel as though the finish line...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 101

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 101

Wisdom Takes Risks Wyndham called from Bucharest saying he had met three abandoned siblings. They were alone, living in a shed with a dirt floor. He told me we needed to take them into our soon-to-open group home. For years we had worked toward the opening of this...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 100

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 100

Wisdom and Presence Today marks my 100th  Post for “Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham.” This post is special to me because it represents a hundred weeks (of writing) that I have been blessed with Wyndham’s presence since his diagnosis of MSA. Each week is a...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 99

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 99

Wisdom and Courage I’ve been reading through the gospel of John, reading aloud to Wyndham. In John 21:18 Jesus tells Peter that in contrast to when Peter was young, dressed himself, and went wherever he wanted to go—this would not be the case in his future. Jesus...