Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 63

Wisdom and Friendship By Jack Frederick It’s late, just after midnight. I’m sleepy, but I remember how I spent the day…I visited my old friend Wyndham, and his lovely wife, Jeanie.  Wyndham has a few wrinkles on his brow, many of them put there by his friendship...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 62

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 62

Wisdom Values the Dinner Table Amazing connections happen at the dinner table, but only if we actually sit and talk at the table. Has the “art of the dinner table” been lost? Wisdom values the dinner table. Or rather, what can happen around the table. What happens at...
The Gift of Gloria

The Gift of Gloria

A few years ago Gloria made a short video, “Understanding God’s Gifts,” where she spoke of her cancer as a gift. ( While cancer has taken our dear friend and certainly doesn’t feel like a gift, I have a feeling...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 61

Wisdom Remembers God is at Work It’s good to be reminded of modern day miracles. Changed lives. These two “miracles” brought us lobster rolls a few days ago, which were delicious. Even more satisfying, however, was the reminder of God at work changing lives. Bill and...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 60

Wisdom Searches We hope you have a happy 4th of July (no matter where you live). I’m taking a break from posting an article today, while continuing the now six- hour search for my car keys. It will be wise to continue looking, as they will be pricey to replace....