Thanks for the Underwear…I Think

Expectations were high as the family of four gathered for Micah’s seventh birthday dinner. (Birthday celebrations bring wide-eyed excitement for most seven-year-olds, and my grandson is no exception.) The festive table had been set, the cake had been made, and the...
I Know Exactly Who I Am!

I Know Exactly Who I Am!

Recent conversation between my daughter and granddaughter: Gracie:  Mommy, can you take my trash? (Gracie holds out a chewed on apple core.) Mommy:  Gracie, I’m driving. You can just put it in the paper bag you are holding. Gracie: I need you to take it. Mommy: No...
At Least It’s Not Lice!

At Least It’s Not Lice!

The questions kept coming as Micah and Gracie were eager to know more about their Papa’s neurological disease. It’s a tough one. He has lost all mobility and is wheelchair (or scooter) bound. His speech is somewhat affected and he experiences intense fatigue every...

Grateful, Courageous, and Cheerful

I see through new lenses these days. No, I didn’t get new glasses. I have a new way of life. One that still consists of the family I treasure and work that I love—ministering to people. But one which now includes numerous therapies, doctors’ appointments, calculated...