4 Ways to Capture Negative Thoughts

Today’s post takes a different form from my norm.  In this video I’ll share practical applications of the scriptures that call us to “take our thoughts captive”–which is certainly easier to read than to do! Gulp…my thought right now...

Broken Chains

Oh, the inspiration and the irony. The past few days have been full of both. Normandy, France, was to me…a piece of history. That is…until yesterday when I experienced this place of beauty and blood-stained sand–where a decade before I was born...

The Little Fox and the Little Cockerpoo

There are big things in life that give us pause—and tempt us with worry. Things like illness, job struggles, and conflicts.  They call us to a deeper and higher faith. Then there are other things that are small, and stupid, and annoying, and seemingly insignificant in...

Spiritual Editing

Mark-ups (whether red, purple or blue) from editing are my friends. A  fellow writer and dear friend once told me of his posture toward editors—they are his welcomed friends. Thanks, Gordon. He told me he accepts most all of the input they give him. Ironically, he...