Courage to be Different

What do you see in this picture?  An old church building with a colorful display of pumpkins?  That’s certainly a pleasant enough autumn scene… but I was inspired as I drove by this venue because of another scene.  As I looked up at the myriad of wires above me, I saw...

In Labor and Delivery!

I’m about to deliver a big bird — A turkey to be exact .  You see, I’ve been “expecting” a new book for many months.  This book is put together  in a format  similar to My Morning Cup.  It consists of 86 short devotional thoughts derived from “real life”. ...
From the lips of children…

From the lips of children…

Having finished our picnic this afternoon, my daughters and I were enjoying time together as we admired the beauty of the northern Atlantic.  The water sparkled like diamonds and the sun’s rays made the cool breeze feel like a kiss on the cheek.  (To be honest, the...

The Beauty of Imperfection

“Why are you showing that one?” asked my granddaughter. She was referring to a video segment I used in a little movie the grandkids made to honor “Papa” on his 60th birthday.  They had come up with the whole idea for this little skit.  As they...

Another Turkey at the Door!

I am still smiling, somewhat in disbelief from my little photo shoot that happened a few minutes ago.  Several months back I saw a turkey at someone’s front door and took a picture of this unusual scene. This prompted me to write about surprises and...