Coming Soon

Where does time go?  It seems I’ve not visited this site in a while.   After spending the last week in Kiev, Ukraine and Munich, Germany and meeting with numerous people and doing elder/elder’s wife training classes, it’s good to be home. However,  I left those cities...

Noticing Life

  This is why I speak to them in parables:   “Though seeing, they do not see;    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.  Matthew 13:13 I thought that I noticed most things that go on around me…that is until today when I took my grandson with me to do...

Filling the Birdfeeder

For my birthday last year my family gave me some money. I had requested this monetary help to go towards an Ipad, or similar electronic tablet.  I researched numerous options and scurried to the mall to purchase my present from the family.  I looked and looked , and...

Be Still and …. Juggle??

My favorite breakfast place opened this weekend, where I can enjoy breakfast at a table overlooking the vast expanse of the North Atlantic.   I took the morning off today in order to visit this breakfast spot.  I had extra time to meditate on “life and Godliness” as I...

Upstairs Water

“I want downstairs water!!  I don’t want upstairs water!” I laughed out loud as my daughter described her three year old’s tantrum and resulting repeated discipline tonight.  I remembered my daughter at that age – fiercely holding to her resolve that she was...