The Dog and Pony Show

Do you ever find yourself in situations where you are over your head?  Sometimes my learning curve is steep.  Such was the case when I began an eight year stent working for a wonderful non-profit, HOPE worldwide.  During this time my eyes were opened to many things. ...

Two Important Words – “Help Me!”

The drowning victim was barely able to utter the words, “Help me!” I remembered those crucial words today as I passed by several empty lifeguard chairs.  My lunch appointment had cancelled, so I joined some of my grandchildren who were picnicking with their moms at a...

Get Outa’ My House

It was bedtime so I told Denver (our 5 month old golden retriever) to get in his crate.  He looked at me as if he was afraid of something and refused to go into his crate.  Then I heard a growling noise.  I could not figure out what was going on so began searching for...

Opening Day at Fenway

Some days it’s just nice to be grateful for the simple things in life.  I love this scripture, and believe that wherever we live we can see God’s amazing work and learn to love our surroundings. Psalm 16:5-6 Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my...

Were Cows Just Here?

Did a herd of cows visit my yard last night? My olfactory senses were awakened as I walked outside my door.  The smell of manure was intense.  I had previously gone on an errand to drop off a form at the town office.  It appeared that the herd had visited the town...