Getting “Unstuck”

Denver, our golden retriever pup, had me worried yesterday.  He was sick on his stomach and lethargic throughout the day and evening. Even as all the kids and grandkids gathered for a family dinner last night  Denver didn’t want to play – and he always...

Closer Than a Tick on a Hound Dog

I’ve never been fond of ticks.  I once accidentally picked up a well-fed tick off my kitchen floor, thinking I had dropped a blueberry. That was thoroughly disgusting – and it was a while before I was able to eat a blueberry again. Most ticks, however, are...

The Day I Was Born

Fifty-eight years ago today Porter Horne’s mother was exceedingly grateful.  The Horne’s, and their two little boys, lived across the pond from my family’s house.  On this particular day, March 23, 1954, five year old Porter was enjoying a tricycle ride with his older...

Dinner With a Friend

Whenever time and finances allow, there are few things I enjoy more than eating dinner with friends.  Last night, I experienced dining at its finest!  I had a free meal with a special friend.  We ate cereal, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, pasta and soup.  The non-stop...

Falling Into Holes

I fell into a hole today.  Other than the humiliation of being sprawled out on the lawn of a funeral home, and a sprained, swollen and black and blue “pinky” – there were no serious repercussions.  Sometimes I feel like holes in the ground just wait...