Welcome Amazing Grace

This will be a very short but special blog post today.   I have just returned from witnessing another miracle.  The miracle of new life never ceases to amaze me.  Just a few hours ago, at 1:17am on 11-11-11 my newest granddaughter entered this world. She has been...

A Listening Ear

My ears seem too sensitized and it’s affecting my sleep.  For the past 6 weeks I have had my phone in my room – on standby for baby delivery news.  3 of those weeks, while Kristen was hospitalized, my ears were also tuned in to the baby monitor in our room – in case...

Carried Close to His Heart

Isaiah 40:11     He tends his flock like a shepherd:         He gathers the lambs in his arms     and carries them close to his heart;         he gently leads those that have young. I think of this verse as I watch my husband carry Jordan in and out of the house,...

Spaced Repetition

Anyone who knew my dad will likely remember his use of the phrase “spaced repetition”.  He was a firm believer that in order to really learn something, understand it and put it into practice we need to hear it over and over again, spaced throughout time. ...