In the Curl of the Wave

Wyndham and I were on a prayer walk this morning.  Feeling a lot with the near-at-hand loss of his dad, we felt the urgent need to pray. Since we are near an ocean, we went there.  As we were praying, the waves were particularly high and loud.  As I watched the waves...

Endings: Butterflies, Eras and Others

I’ve shed tears already this week and it’s only Tuesday.  I’m sure many of you have also shed tears.  My granddaughter sobbed as she buried “Sweetheart”, who for those who read my earlier posts, have met.  Emma, through her tears, said, “I know I can move on… but...

Life — Interrupted

Don’t you just relish making a call – and before you can even say “hello” you are placed on hold?  Sometimes it’s a short time, sometimes long, sometimes you get disconnected and you may even be forgotten…  Not my favorite...