Devotional Thoughts


Welcome Amazing Grace

This will be a very short but special blog post today.   I have just returned from witnessing another miracle.  The miracle of new life never ceases to amaze me.  Just a few hours ago, at 1:17am on 11-11-11 my newest granddaughter entered this world. She has been...

A Listening Ear

My ears seem too sensitized and it’s affecting my sleep.  For the past 6 weeks I have had my phone in my room – on standby for baby delivery news.  3 of those weeks, while Kristen was hospitalized, my ears were also tuned in to the baby monitor in our room – in case...

Carried Close to His Heart

Isaiah 40:11     He tends his flock like a shepherd:         He gathers the lambs in his arms     and carries them close to his heart;         he gently leads those that have young. I think of this verse as I watch my husband carry Jordan in and out of the house,...

Spaced Repetition

Anyone who knew my dad will likely remember his use of the phrase "spaced repetition".  He was a firm believer that in order to really learn something, understand it and put it into practice we need to hear it over and over again, spaced throughout time.  I have come...

Almost Taken Out By The Trash Truck

"Stop!  Stttoooooopp!"  I screamed as I, donned in my bathrobe, went tearing out of my house across the snowy grass to the middle of the road. Jordan, our 14 year old golden, was stretched out on the road and a huge garbage truck was barreling toward him at full...

Old Dog Syndrome

The good news is that our electricity is back!  Just as I had taken the last of the used- to- be frozen things from the freezer it came back.  Yes, we will be eating lots of fish and pheasant, as will our neighbors. I hurried to my daughter's house, to pick up my...

When You Are In The Sewer

Today I am posting a longer "blog" than usual.  Though I wrote this several months ago, it seems a timely reminder for me and for all of us to remember the poor.  As I am going on my fourth day without electricity, I am reminded of the millions upon millions of...

Our Little Mirrors

I’ve had the privilege over the last few weeks to spend some extra time with several of my grandchildren.  Kristen’s prescribed bed rest has given me extra opportunities to take little Micah along as my assistant during some days. Also, Melissa and Kevin were...

Beware the Critters!

I’m still recovering from my car’s diagnosis as I’m waiting for the repair to be completed.  My husband was out of town, and I scheduled an appointment after hearing a rattling noise from the fan that starts whenever the heat or air conditioning is turned on.  I...

The Particularly Persistent Purple Pansy-Petunia

The Particularly Persistent Purple Pansy-Petunia

In “My Morning Cup” there is a paragraph about a particularly persistent purple pansy.  In the chapter entitled “When I Sit in the Backyard” I write:  One of my favorite backyard stories teaches me perseverance.  One cold February day after the snow had partially...

Getting Rid of “Rotten Apple”

Sometimes life moves at a challenging pace.  The past several weeks have been particularly swift and challenging; thus, my lack of recent posts.  Amidst all of the family drama over the past few weeks (much of which I have previously written about), a week ago our...

My Solid Rock

This was the view out of my bathroom window last week.  It was a quick view, as I had to cut short my trip.  I held on to this picture in my mind, as the magnificence of this snow-covered mound of rock took my breath away.  Since this time I have thought of this image...

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You may reach out to me at [email protected] for a free consultation.