Almost Taken Out By The Trash Truck

“Stop!  Stttoooooopp!”  I screamed as I, donned in my bathrobe, went tearing out of my house across the snowy grass to the middle of the road. Jordan, our 14 year old golden, was stretched out on the road and a huge garbage truck was barreling toward him at full speed.

As I wrote yesterday, Jordan has a temporary illness called Old Dog Vestibular Syndrome, which lasts about a week.  During this time he is an invalid.  He is completely disoriented, nauseous, and can’t walk without trembling and falling over.  Wyndham had lovingly carried Jordan outside for his morning business, and then let him lay in the grass and enjoy the outdoors while Wyndham ventured out for a prayer walk.  I guess it was more than Jordan could bear to see his master walk without him.  Though it seemed he would not be able to move any further while quietly enjoying the breeze,  he somehow found a way to get up and try to follow Wyndham.  He only made it to the middle of the street, where he lay helpless. I looked out of the window just in time to see this near- tragedy unfolding.

I saw the truck speeding ahead and then couldn’t see Jordan anymore.  My heart melted – and then as the truck passed I saw Jordan looking up at me.  The truck had missed him by inches.  I ran out and snatched him up (adrenaline works well in these situations) and brought him back inside.  My heart pounding, I was grateful for the good outcome, and that Wyndham would not face such a devastating situation upon his return.

I realize I may have lost those of you who are not “dog people”, but those who are can relate to my feelings.  As I took some time this morning to “Be still and know that He is God” (from Psalm 46:10).   I thought about this situation and the lessons I could take away from it.

Immediately, one of my favorite scriptures in Jude came to mind.  Jude 1:20-25
But you, dear friends, build yourselves up in your most holy faith and pray in the Holy Spirit. [21] Keep yourselves in God’s love as you wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you to eternal life.
    [22] Be merciful to those who doubt; [23] snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear–hating even the clothing stained by corrupted flesh.
    [24] To him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you before his glorious presence without fault and with great joy– [25] to the only God our Savior be glory, majesty, power and authority, through Jesus Christ our Lord, before all ages, now and forevermore! Amen.

What an upward call to me today. 1) to take personal responsibility to build myself up in holy faith and to pray.  2) to keep myself in God’s love….and not spiritually wander so I am more vulnerable to “garbage” running over me  3) to be merciful to those who doubt…combined with the appropriate fear of God and pursuit of holiness and 4) to have as much concern for my spiritual family to snatch them from harm’s way as I felt this morning for Jordan.

I’m inspired by Jude’s benediction….that my God is able to keep me from falling, and through Jesus, present me to Himself without fault and with great joy. Wow.

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About Jeanie Shaw

After retiring from forty-five years in full-time ministry, Jeanie Shaw went back to school to earn her master’s and doctorate in spiritual formation and discipleship. She also serves as a certified Christian life coach who loves helping people discover the joy, peace, and purpose that come from finding and following God’s plan for their lives. She has taught classes and workshops all over the world and has written numerous books. She has four grown children, eight grandchildren, and a golden retriever who thinks he is human. When she is not reading, writing, coaching, teaching, or enjoying her family she might be found walking along rivers, learning new lessons about life.

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