Devotional Thoughts


You Mean You Don’t See That Mountain?

In honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. day, I edited this recent post. Would love your feedback:   Do you see a colorful, spiraled mountain in this ocean view?  I don't either.       But he does.           "Uke" (the unicorn)...

At Least It’s Not Lice!

At Least It’s Not Lice!

The questions kept coming as Micah and Gracie were eager to know more about their Papa’s neurological disease. It’s a tough one. He has lost all mobility and is wheelchair (or scooter) bound. His speech is somewhat affected and he experiences intense fatigue every...

Grateful, Courageous, and Cheerful

I see through new lenses these days. No, I didn’t get new glasses. I have a new way of life. One that still consists of the family I treasure and work that I love—ministering to people. But one which now includes numerous therapies, doctors’ appointments, calculated...

Why Can’t I Buy You Shoes?

I waited upstairs while my husband was crowned. Temporarily, that is. He will get his “permanent” crown in a month. While he is always royalty to me, my husband's new crown was actually bestowed on him by our dentist. Yeah, not as much fun as a jeweled crown. Upstairs...

“Every Day is a New Chance”

“Every Day is a New Chance”

He’s an “old soul” at six years old. I’m often taken aback by conversations with my grandson. On the playground, he might be found playing ball with his friends,or asking his teacher how her day is going and if teaching makes her happy. That's just the way he rolls....

Digging Out from Disappointment

Digging Out from Disappointment

We've all felt it. It comes in various shapes and sizes without respect for age or background. It can kick you in the gut—when you don’t get a desired job, or make the team, or garner attention from someone you were sure you would marry. Maybe it stabbed you when a...

Thank You for Those Broken Chains

Thank You for Those Broken Chains

In honor of Memorial Day, I'm re-posting a blog from last year. Our visit to Normandy resulted in my gaining a much greater appreciation for the men and women who sacrificed their lives...but even more appreciation for God's sacrifice for me.  Oh, the inspiration and...

Another Opening Day

Some days it's just nice to be grateful for the simple things in life.  I love this scripture, and believe that wherever we live we can see God's amazing work and learn to love our surroundings. Psalm 16:5-6 Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;        ...

Hesitate…or Jump In?

I think the fear began the day before our wedding in December of 1974. I was taking my very last university final. For my elective that quarter (we were on a quarter system at the University of Florida) I had taken a life guarding class. Since the month was December,...

Teaching Our Children to Pray

Teaching Our Children to Pray

Nothing shouts sincerity louder than the sound of little children speaking to their creator.   However, as one of Jesus' disciples states in Luke 11:1, "Lord, teach us to pray..." we all need help in learning to pray. The children we once taught to pray now have...

I have to layover WHERE?

I have to layover WHERE?

I won’t mention the company’s name, but suffice it to say it was not named “Competent”. My request was simple. At least I thought so. Due to recent health challenges (I thank God I’m getting well), my husband and I needed to revise our travel plans. We had been...

In Due Time

In Due Time

Three little words.  Hard words.  In. Due. Time. I have been holding on to this scripture: Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.   (1 Peter 5:6-7 emphasis...

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