Devotional Thoughts


A Bird on the Head

I was visiting my friend when her bird flew from its cage and perched atop my head.  It was a little weird to feel little bird feet in my hair, but I wasn’t overly concerned.  What could a little bird do?  My friend soon came to the rescue and put her bird in her hand...

Four Roses

Last week I sat in the beautiful Wang Theater, next to a young woman who was perhaps the number one advocate of the group that was performing.  On this night I heard the powerful and beautiful voices of a group, "Il Divo," though when I bought the tickets I thought...

Noticing Life

  This is why I speak to them in parables:   "Though seeing, they do not see;    though hearing, they do not hear or understand.  Matthew 13:13 I thought that I noticed most things that go on around me…that is until today when I took my grandson with me to do...

Filling the Birdfeeder

For my birthday last year my family gave me some money. I had requested this monetary help to go towards an Ipad, or similar electronic tablet.  I researched numerous options and scurried to the mall to purchase my present from the family.  I looked and looked , and...

Be Still and …. Juggle??

My favorite breakfast place opened this weekend, where I can enjoy breakfast at a table overlooking the vast expanse of the North Atlantic.   I took the morning off today in order to visit this breakfast spot.  I had extra time to meditate on “life and Godliness” as I...

Upstairs Water

“I want downstairs water!!  I don’t want upstairs water!” I laughed out loud as my daughter described her three year old’s tantrum and resulting repeated discipline tonight.  I remembered my daughter at that age - fiercely holding to her resolve that she was...

The Dog and Pony Show

Do you ever find yourself in situations where you are over your head?  Sometimes my learning curve is steep.  Such was the case when I began an eight year stent working for a wonderful non-profit, HOPE worldwide.  During this time my eyes were opened to many things. ...

Two Important Words – “Help Me!”

The drowning victim was barely able to utter the words, “Help me!” I remembered those crucial words today as I passed by several empty lifeguard chairs.  My lunch appointment had cancelled, so I joined some of my grandchildren who were picnicking with their moms at a...

Get Outa’ My House

It was bedtime so I told Denver (our 5 month old golden retriever) to get in his crate.  He looked at me as if he was afraid of something and refused to go into his crate.  Then I heard a growling noise.  I could not figure out what was going on so began searching for...

Opening Day at Fenway

Some days it's just nice to be grateful for the simple things in life.  I love this scripture, and believe that wherever we live we can see God's amazing work and learn to love our surroundings. Psalm 16:5-6 Lord, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;        ...

Were Cows Just Here?

Did a herd of cows visit my yard last night? My olfactory senses were awakened as I walked outside my door.  The smell of manure was intense.  I had previously gone on an errand to drop off a form at the town office.  It appeared that the herd had visited the town...

Walking the Power Lines

I love my prayer walks.  Wyndham and I often walk along a gravel/mud path across from our house that follows several miles of power lines.  Yesterday as we walked and prayed (and scolded Denver for eating the leash) I kept noticing the path of wires above me.  It is...

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