I Have News! A New Release

While I like to write blogs that involve stories that aid spiritual growth, I find that pragmatism occasionally rules. When I write a book, I realize that if I don’t let people know it exists it will be of no benefit.  I will get back to more “blog type” posts in the future, but today I want to let you know about the culmination of a project I have been working on for several years, a book entitled Re-Examining Our Lenses: The Relationship Between Restoration Movement Hermeneutics and Spiritual Formation.

I have learned and grown so much from this study and writing, and I pray this will be of benefit to you as well. The paperback version is available now on Amazon, and the e-book is available for pre-sale, releasing on March 10. The paperback has only been live one day and was the #1 new release on Amazon in its category. That’s encouraging (as it wasn’t the only one 😊). It’s not a particularly light read, but hopefully will resonate and offer some steps toward deeper formation into the image of Christ resulting in greater unity.

Here are the links for ordering:

The paperback version is live on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/yxkzcjk7

The e-book is available for pre-order on Amazon: https://tinyurl.com/ysjucf2s

As I offered the manuscript in its earlier stages to several brothers who have paved the way before me with their studies, they offered gracious encouragement in their responses.

Jeanie Shaw courageously and insightfully engages one of the most important contemporary challenges of our time, especially for those of us connected to the Restoration Movement. How shall we read the Bible in ways that are faithful to its message and provide space for the Spirit to form us into the image of Christ? Recognizing the relative poverty of historic approaches within the Restoration Movement, she draws on various perspectives to invite us to read the Bible anew, attentive not only to its historical and theological meaning but also its formative function as a moment where we encounter God.

——John Mark Hicks, Retired Professor of Theology, Lipscomb University

A serious study of the way we have interpreted the Bible in the Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement and more particularly in the International Churches of Christ is long overdue. I am grateful for Jeanie Shaw who has carefully tackled this challenging but vital issue, showing how some of our old paradigms stunted our spiritual growth, and offering a more Jesus-centered and transformational hermeneutic. This can be a game-changing book.    

—–Tom A. Jones, author, teacher, and founding editor of Discipleship Publications International.

In this carefully researched and deeply insightful work Jeanie Shaw shows how understanding scripture as a pattern to be reproduced inhibited the development of a healthy unitive spiritualty in her faith tradition. Following a survey of the roots of pattern theology, Shaw gives examples of how that approach to scripture distorts the image of God and blocks healthy spiritual formation. She then suggests using three other “lenses,” each of which retains pattern theology’s commitment to scripture but adds missing spiritual insights. Shaw calls for an experiential spiritual approach to scripture that forms followers of Jesus in the healthy spirituality we are meant to receive and thrive in, and which alone can bring the unity Christ prayed for among his followers. This engaging study provides Christians with rich resources for healthy spiritual formation rooted in scripture.

—-Douglas A. Foster, Professor of Church History Emeritus, Graduate School of Theology, Abilene Christian University 

Jeanie Shaw writes about the very basic subject of how we are supposed to read and understand the Bible in a manner that changes our lives, the church, and the world. Yet, most in our family of churches have little idea of what correct interpretation should involve and even less knowledge of our history as a part of the Restoration Movement with its patternistic interpretative approach. She courageously approaches concerning issues, addressing both principles and practice. Her study will be welcomed by those who love the truth. Kudos to her for her fearless approach in addressing a subject that has needed to be addressed among us for decades! 

——Gordon Ferguson, author, teacher, former Director of the Asia-Pacific Leadership Academy and Ukraine Institute of Ministry


Thanks for sharing with me, and I look forward to hearing what benefits you and even where you might disagree. My prayer is that this book can serve in some small way to encourage greater growth into the image of Christ leading to a greater unity in diversity.






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About Jeanie Shaw

After retiring from forty-five years in full-time ministry, Jeanie Shaw went back to school to earn her master’s and doctorate in spiritual formation and discipleship. She also serves as a certified Christian life coach who loves helping people discover the joy, peace, and purpose that come from finding and following God’s plan for their lives. She has taught classes and workshops all over the world and has written numerous books. She has four grown children, eight grandchildren, and a golden retriever who thinks he is human. When she is not reading, writing, coaching, teaching, or enjoying her family she might be found walking along rivers, learning new lessons about life.

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