What am I Waiting For? And…2023 Good Reads

What am I Waiting For? And…2023 Good Reads

I captured this picture, representing thoughts going through my head concerning “failure to claim what is waiting for me.” I received this gift card, pictured, for a one-hour massage. I don’t remember the occasion for the gift; I just know I received it about eight or...
Christmas Blessings to You

Christmas Blessings to You

As I send each Christmas greeting, I like to pause to treasure memories of you and offer a prayer of thanksgiving. I am so grateful for my friends and family, including each of you who take the time to connect with me via my website, books, and blogs. The connection...
The Last Word

The Last Word

While “the last word” can describe a pushy eagerness to be the first and last to express an opinion, it can also be a message for another’s good, to communicate love. Sadly, the first example can be heard around us everywhere, physically and virtually. Wyndham’s last...