Coffee Shop Treasures

Coffee Shop Treasures

I’m part of a coffee shop sip club where I pay a small monthly fee for unlimited daily coffee. I can walk to this local coffee shop, and I rarely miss a day. Since I love a large, iced coffee and a refill (decaf refill), I could easily spend in one day what I spend in...
A Big Transition…A New Chapter

A Big Transition…A New Chapter

A thriller, a comedy, a tragedy, poetry, a fairy tale, and a historical narrative all rolled into one. This is the book I am writing as I continue walking “jeaniesjourneys.” Thankfully, God is the author and perfecter of my life story (Heb 12:2), and we are writing...
The Last Word

The Last Word

While “the last word” can describe a pushy eagerness to be the first and last to express an opinion, it can also be a message for another’s good, to communicate love. Sadly, the first example can be heard around us everywhere, physically and virtually. Wyndham’s last...