Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 119

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 119

Wisdom and Waldo “Where’s Wally (Waldo)?” is an oft-asked question in a book series. In these books, a little guy named Waldo in a red and white striped shirt and glasses hides among many other characters. The reader is challenged to find Waldo amidst the many other...

Entering the “Quiet Wilderness”

Have you ever searched for….. that still, quiet place of utter bliss? That place where you can gather your thoughts and  focus on what is most important, rather than all that is urgent?  That place where you can commune with your creator and leave refreshed and full...

Showing Up

It’s my routine every evening.  Before I retire for the night I let both dogs go outside.  They do their thing, always eager to come back inside for their night-time treats.  Last night was meant to be no different. They went out.  The puppy came bounding in doing all...