Life Updates and Coaching Future Plans

If my clients are getting half as much out of coaching as I am, all is good. Every so often we get to answer a call that fits like a glove. That’s what coaching feels like for me. It’s that glove that allows me to follow the Spirit’s lead while using my ministry,...

Out of Gas

…Funny  how empty the house can seem after Christmas.  The last of the family members just pulled out of the driveway and the house is suddenly quiet…  No more squeals, pitter patter of little feet, giggles or “Mom…she’s trying to get my stuff!”  I miss that...

Snippets of Love

The Christmas cards almost didn’t go out this year due to “communication stuckness”.  This is a ‘condition’ that sometimes affects me.  It happens when there is so much to say, or so many things to catch up on that I don’t know where to start.  Unfortunately, the...