Trusting Through the Stink

Trusting Through the Stink

Every so often you receive an email that resonates in a particularly meaningful way. The following is from one of our friends who wages a daily battle with her oldest daughter’s health challenges. Her daughter suffers from a brain tumor that was diagnosed in her...
Imagination Overtakes the Nap

Imagination Overtakes the Nap

Exhaustion was nearing as Gracie and Emery (two of my granddaughters) headed upstairs for their naps. They were sharing a room for their rest time—since as cousins and best friends they desired to be together every possible moment during Gracie’s two- day visit. It...

Entering the “Quiet Wilderness”

Have you ever searched for….. that still, quiet place of utter bliss? That place where you can gather your thoughts and  focus on what is most important, rather than all that is urgent?  That place where you can commune with your creator and leave refreshed and full...

Coming Soon

Where does time go?  It seems I’ve not visited this site in a while.   After spending the last week in Kiev, Ukraine and Munich, Germany and meeting with numerous people and doing elder/elder’s wife training classes, it’s good to be home. However,  I left those cities...

Troubles and Treasures of Travel

I have come to realize that I am a home-body.  Yet, for years my job has required travel.  A number of years ago we (my husband and I) worked with a ministry in our church that served the poor throughout numerous under-developed countries. It is impossible to do this...