Today’s the Day!

This morning I thanked God that I got to have another day with him.  As my husband and I groggily (at least I’m groggy) roll out of bed each morning we like to tell each other, “I’m thankful to have another day with you.”  Since he was out of town, after I awoke I...

The “Toy” in My Dog’s Mouth

Sometimes you just misunderstand things.  You hear something differently than what was intended.  Or, as in my case, you wrongly identify an object— and in so doing miss its entire function and purpose.. Last weekend we traveled to San Antonio to speak at a marriage...

My, How Things Change!

We were pulling into Boston, with our car fully packed.  The year was 1987 and we were heading to what would become our new home.  We had our three children in tow, one dog, a few belongings and wondered what this new chapter of our life would bring.  I looked back at...