by Jeanie Shaw | Jun 4, 2015 | Life Lessons
You’ve heard of quicksand, right? It looks the same as other sand, but once you step on it you are drawn into the earth…sucked down toward the core. The more you wiggle, the deeper you sink–as it takes you down with its miry grasp. Yes, this can also happen with...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 23, 2013 | Devotional Thoughts
There are many arenas where I can get stuck in the “almost going for it” stance. The longer I take to leave the starting block, the more overwhelmed I can feel to start or “restart” something I actually really want to do. Then, anticipatory fatigue (thanks Fred...
by Jeanie Shaw | Jan 2, 2012 | Devotional Thoughts
I have a job to complete. I’m sitting at my kitchen counter with my “Hello Kitty” sewing machine… hemming some black jeans. (Yes, I use a “Hello Kitty” sewing machine. It is simple enough for me to use, and I figured that I could teach my grandkids to sew with...