by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 12, 2024 | Latest Blogs, News and Updates
This morning as I walked by the river, I was reminded of its varied movement and beauty that changes with the weather. Throughout all seasons, the theme scripture of my website and coaching practice (from Psalm 36) continues to fill me. I quote it each day as I walk,...
by Jeanie Shaw | Mar 23, 2024 | Latest Blogs, Life Lessons
Tomorrow marks my seventy orbits around the sun. 70 years ago on March 23, my dad came home from work to take my mom to the hospital. As he pulled into the driveway, he saw the three-year-old neighbor boy ride his tricycle off of our dock and into the backyard pond....
by Jeanie Shaw | Nov 15, 2023 | Life Lessons
Six weeks ago, as I sat at my dinner table with friends, one of them screamed as she witnessed the scene unfolding out the window. Huge flames ascended toward the darkened sky, illuminating the catastrophe in the making. The house next door to me was ablaze. I own the...
by Jeanie Shaw | Aug 1, 2023 | Latest Blogs, Life Lessons
(I wrote this blog over a month ago as I was finishing a course on pilgrimage. Intentional journeys have helped me grow.) I heard birds singing, accompanied by the light panting of my canine companion as we walked our familiar trail during the noontide heat of...
by Jeanie Shaw | Jul 12, 2023 | Devotional Thoughts, Latest Blogs
I couldn’t get to the dock today because the river was overflowing. Flooded. As I looked around, I noticed yellow caution tape preventing access to the flooded parking lot and stairs. The bridge accessing the dock could barely be seen underneath many feet of water. As...