Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 73

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 73

Wisdom Finds What It Can Do Life is full of transition, and change is hard. When life changes, do you mull over what was and can no longer be? What you could do and can no longer do? Transitions happen in many ways: A move often means we can no longer rely on physical...
Trusting Through the Stink

Trusting Through the Stink

Every so often you receive an email that resonates in a particularly meaningful way. The following is from one of our friends who wages a daily battle with her oldest daughter’s health challenges. Her daughter suffers from a brain tumor that was diagnosed in her...
Digging Out from Disappointment

Digging Out from Disappointment

We’ve all felt it. It comes in various shapes and sizes without respect for age or background. It can kick you in the gut—when you don’t get a desired job, or make the team, or garner attention from someone you were sure you would marry. Maybe it stabbed you...