Coffee Shop Treasures

Coffee Shop Treasures

I’m part of a coffee shop sip club where I pay a small monthly fee for unlimited daily coffee. I can walk to this local coffee shop, and I rarely miss a day. Since I love a large, iced coffee and a refill (decaf refill), I could easily spend in one day what I spend in...

A Powerful Lesson from the Walmart Clerk

A few months ago I spoke on a panel for caregivers in downtown Boston. Invited by a wonderful woman who is involved in community affairs, I had no idea what to expect. Frankly, I didn’t quite know how I got the invitation. I don’t think I had grasped that I had...

Elephant in the Living Room

The other day I was visiting a friend in Burlington, Vermont, when I noticed a small dragon in her living room.   I inquired as to the friendliness of this creature in the room and whether or not it was supposed to be “out”.   I was told it was actually...

The Ticket

Micah clutched the ticket as if he would never let go.  I had placed this precious blue ticket in my youngest grandson’s hand as we rode the train back home.  It was our round trip ticket to Boston.  I told him he could keep it to remember the day.  Micah had just...