50 Vibrant Colors

On a day when a few parts of the world celebrate love, and a day when a warped, messed up distortion of a so called love story premieres…thought it would be encouraging to share “50 Vibrant Colors” of true love I’ve seen, experienced and felt this year.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? 
Feel free to add yours in the comments.

  1. I’ve watched numerous lives transformed because they have come to understand that they are deeply valued and loved by the Creator of the universe … and responded to that love, turning their lives over to Him… becoming new.
  2. I’ve seen those with friends who’ve lost loved ones drop everything to pray with, comfort and give to their hurting friends.
  3. I’ve seen those who have lost loved ones keep on giving and loving others amidst their pain.
  4. I’ve seen neighbors shoveling out other neighbors and offering small acts of kindness.
  5. I’ve seen mothers and fathers plead, pray and act on behalf of their wandering teens.
  6. I’ve seen Russians and Ukranians praying for each other and refusing to fight each other.
  7. I’ve seen men, women and children sacrificing significant hard-earned money to help missions around the world.
  8. I’ve seen them give money for camp to kids and scholarships to those in need.
  9. I’ve watched the poor give out of their own needs to help those around them.
  10. I’ve seen families sell their belonging and move to mission fields…just because they love God and love people and believe they can make a difference.
  11. I’ve seen young men and women pack their bags at Christmas time to serve the poor in developing countries.
  12. I’ve seen women who were addicted to abusive substances break free by the power of God and the help of loving Christian sisters.
  13. I’ve seen women who experienced years of abusive relationships come to realize our Spiritual Father is loving and trustworthy…and find true healing and wholeness.
  14. I’ve seen relationships that once were filled with conflict find peace by following God’s plans for reconciliation.
  15. I’ve seen spouses ask for forgiveness and watched in tears as forgiveness was given.
  16. I’ve watched young men and women fall in love , remain pure and then marry each other with a purpose in their marriage higher than just being happily married…but to give and serve….(which will bring happiness).
  17. I’ve seen teenagers standing up for a God they love and the words he spoke when it wasn’t the popular thing to do…all because they care about their friends and they love God and his word.
  18. I’ve seen college students care enough for their fellow students to see through the crazy partying and lifestyles…and see someone who is really looking for love. They care enough to listen to them and share God’s love and plan for their lives with them.
  19. I’ve seen men and women–young and old, feed the hungry in shelters, give clothes and toys… and find numerous ways to serve the poor and needy.
  20. I’ve seen friends field calls from the emotionally distraught…then pray with them, comfort them…and get them further help.
  21. And I’ve watched as people go into nursing homes to talk or sing to someone who will never remember they were there.
  22. I’ve watched as friends give others rides every week to church, to do errands…and just seek to meet their needs in various ways.
  23. I’ve seen men and women step out on faith and out of their comfort zone to initiate in words or actions when they have felt shy and insecure.
  24. I’ve celebrated 40 years of marriage to a husband who loves God first…and thus I can trust him completely…and thus experience a most amazing relationship of love and purpose.
  25. I’ve celebrated my 60th birthday with family and friends…realizing that every blessing comes from God and he has never, ever failed on one of his promises.
  26. I’ve experienced the love of my children and their spouses, who because they put God first in their lives, experience a depth of assurance, purpose and joy unattainable any other way.
  27. I’ve watched orphans become successful in their lives because someone took them in or cared for them in other ways.
  28. I’ve watched children who are making poor choices experience unconditional love, grace and truth–through parents who love them and desire their children’s eternal well-being above their own lives.
  29. I’ve watched as people have loved enough to practice “tough love” …all the while longing for the best for their loved one.
  30. I’ve watched children as they learn to serve others experience a joy and maturity far beyond their years.
  31. I’ve seen men and women get up early and stay up late, just to pray or read the Bible with someone.
  32. I’ve gone to bed each night with a clear conscience, simply because I strive to follow God… and his love continually reassures and forgives me.
  33. I’ve seen disciples of Jesus in other parts of the world invite me and many others into their homes and lives, all because they love God and his family…of which I’m a part
  34. I’ve seen men and women be vulnerable when it was hard… and ask for help…knowing they are loved and safe.
  35. I’ve watched as people put others needs above their own, going out of their way to help.
  36. I’ve seen others love someone else enough to be honest with them and speak the truth in love, instead of being too afraid to speak up.
  37. I’ve seen others cheering others on, when someone felt they wanted to quit.
  38. I’ve watched as others have cried tears of joy for someone’s accomplishment, even if it was something they desired.
  39. I’ve watched as new babies came into the world and their parents, knowing our world is broken, realize they still have something wonderful and eternal to offer their children.
  40. I’ve watched as families and friends stood vigil at the deathbed of loved ones.
  41. I’ve watched cards and calls of encouragement lift the souls of the weary.
  42. I’ve watched as people weep with those who weep….and rejoice with those who rejoice, even if they don’t feel they have “had it as good.”
  43. I’ve seen the anxiety that ill health produces overcome by the transformation in thinking that God’s word provides…and the comfort knowing that God cares about everything we go through.
  44. I’ve watched sunrises and sunsets, oceans and mountains…realizing that the beauty around me is because of God’s love and glory…and a gift to us.
  45. I’ve witnessed God bring beauty out of pain….because he loves.
  46. I’ve seen natural disasters bring out compassion and new levels of kindness…because any and all good in this world is because of God and his example.
  47. I’ve watched faithful Christians die…full of hope and assurance that on the other side of eternity lies something not even comparable to this short and physical life…and that God will welcome them home.
  48. I have felt love as I read God’s love letter to me, convincing me that I have value and purpose.
  49. I have felt love from the family of God all over the world, knowing that the same God and the same Bible is the guide and standard for their life.
  50. I’ve felt loved, fulfilled and full of hope…through good times and difficult times because I have a perfect Valentine. A father who loves me and gave me his very best…his son.

Now that is love…in VIBRANT COLOR.  It’s all because of God…and what his love and word produces.   Nothing grey about that.


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  1. Carolyn Harrell

    It’s so satisfying, and astonishing to write lists like that. I love to do it, and I love yours!
    I love you (and your work) too.

    • jeanieshaw

      Thanks Carolyn. You have always been encouraging and inspiring to me. I love you too.

  2. Bonnye Stare

    Love your post, Jeanie. Especially # 32 and 47. Watching Mom die this time last year was tough, but knowing where she is is powerful.

    • jeanieshaw

      Thanks, Bonnye. You are always so encouraging. Yes, I miss my mom so often too. Looking forward to seeing you soon.


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About Jeanie Shaw

After retiring from forty-five years in full-time ministry, Jeanie Shaw went back to school to earn her master’s and doctorate in spiritual formation and discipleship. She also serves as a certified Christian life coach who loves helping people discover the joy, peace, and purpose that come from finding and following God’s plan for their lives. She has taught classes and workshops all over the world and has written numerous books. She has four grown children, eight grandchildren, and a golden retriever who thinks he is human. When she is not reading, writing, coaching, teaching, or enjoying her family she might be found walking along rivers, learning new lessons about life.

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