Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 54

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 54

Wisdom Values Relationships We all want our lives to count. We want to matter. To be validated. Isn’t this why Facebook and Instagram “likes” are a thing? And this is why rejection, bullying, and loneliness feel so cold and cruel. We resonate with Susan...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 53

Wisdom Knows That Less Is Often More I am a “finish-if-it-kills-me” type of person. Yep, stay up all night to finish a project, turn over an entire house to find a missing object. That sort of thing. Wyndham stays wiser. He figures that he can finish it later, or look...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 52

Wisdom Brings Resolution Have you ever been in an awkward or difficult conversation, felt badly about it, and yet never spoke of it again—dropped, as if it had never happened? Or, have you had a conflict and decided that silence is golden—and then placed the...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 51

Wisdom Keeps the Doors Open By Jimmie Brunson Reading the Wednesdays with Wyndham series, one can’t help but understand that Wyndham loved to fish.  As his brother-in-law for 40+ years, I have had the blessing of sharing in some of the fishing adventures and...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 50

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 50

Wisdom Offers a Safe Place Do you remember being scared as a child and running to a parent’s embrace? Or being caught in a storm and reaching the warm safety of shelter? Or, have you sat white-knuckled on a turbulent airplane flight welcoming sweet relief as wheels...