Avoiding “The Manipulation”

Manipulation: : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Post Op 3 weeks:  Today was a day of reckoning.  In order to avoid “the manipulation,” Wyndham had to make some big...

Everybody Needs a PT

The surgeon, speaking to us, told us we won’t want someone who is just “sweet and nice” to work with Wyndham.  He said we will want someone who will push him well beyond his comfort zone – to things he thinks he can’t do or fears doing.   This was the...


My husband is now 8 days post-op from his knee replacement surgery.  It’s not an easy recovery,  and during this stage of the game it is hard to imagine the “other side” of the pain.  Yet, we hold on to the hope that on the other side of the pain lies...

Spanx Your Mind

Have you ever  tried to put on a spanx?  (aka….girdle) It doesn’t just slide on quickly.  There is always a bit of a fight to get that firm holding- garment in place to do its job….to tuck “things” in all “nice and proper.”  I just tried it, and yes, it’s as...

There’s a Peacock at Your Door!

I wrote of turkeys that were at my neighbor’s door, as some of you may remember from a previous blog. The truth is, we never know what bird… or life circumstances might show up at our doors.  Sometimes a new day simply brings routine activities; other days we may find...