Devotional Thoughts


One Word

As my granddaughter, Lexi, was sitting on our kitchen counter on the morning of her fourth birthday she was discussing with her parents the upcoming birthday dinner which was to take place that evening.  (Her family is living with us, while waiting to move into their...

Marking Wars

I’ve faced a lot of “big deal” things that have tested my faith and perseverance.  Sometimes however, it’s the “little annoyances” that take the wind out of your sails and test your faith and perseverance  seemingly more than some big issues.   These can sneak up and...

Entering the “Quiet Wilderness”

Have you ever searched for….. that still, quiet place of utter bliss? That place where you can gather your thoughts and  focus on what is most important, rather than all that is urgent?  That place where you can commune with your creator and leave refreshed and full...

When Your Finish Line Moves

I cry for the city I love.  When we moved from the southern part of the US to Boston, over 25 years ago, I quickly felt I’d found the place I was meant to live.  There is no place I know with more charm, four season beauty, gutsiness, and sports enthusiasm. Truly, God...


Do you sometimes feel like your life can be as pictured here - running in circles but not really getting where you intend to go?  I like to think that my dog, Denver,  is quite a smart dog - however, he has a habit that causes me to shed doubt on his doggie “Mensa  IQ...

Enjoy Every Moment – For real!???

My daughter and I were recently attending a baby shower together.  As often happens during the opening of gifts - advice was given to the mother-to-be. Often, it seems that advice is given to "enjoy every moment."  My daughter and another friend of hers were quietly...

Timing is Everything

It seems uncanny how often the baby poops right before we walk out the door, the dog runs off, our keys go missing, the traffic is backed up… and timing just seems to be working against us.  I have often experienced nagging and discouraging “incidents” that result in...

Avoiding “The Manipulation”

Manipulation: : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Post Op 3 weeks:  Today was a day of reckoning.  In order to avoid “the manipulation,” Wyndham had to make some big...

Everybody Needs a PT

The surgeon, speaking to us, told us we won’t want someone who is just “sweet and nice” to work with Wyndham.  He said we will want someone who will push him well beyond his comfort zone - to things he thinks he can’t do or fears doing.   This was the surgeon's...


My husband is now 8 days post-op from his knee replacement surgery.  It’s not an easy recovery,  and during this stage of the game it is hard to imagine the “other side” of the pain.  Yet, we hold on to the hope that on the other side of the pain lies...

Spanx Your Mind

Have you ever  tried to put on a spanx?  (aka….girdle) It doesn't just slide on quickly.  There is always a bit of a fight to get that firm holding- garment in place to do its job….to tuck “things” in all “nice and proper.”  I just tried it, and yes, it’s as difficult...

There’s a Peacock at Your Door!

I wrote of turkeys that were at my neighbor’s door, as some of you may remember from a previous blog. The truth is, we never know what bird… or life circumstances might show up at our doors.  Sometimes a new day simply brings routine activities; other days we may find...

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You may reach out to me at [email protected] for a free consultation.