Life Updates and Coaching Future Plans

If my clients are getting half as much out of coaching as I am, all is good. Every so often we get to answer a call that fits like a glove. That’s what coaching feels like for me. It’s that glove that allows me to follow the Spirit’s lead while using my ministry,...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 43

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 43

Wisdom Understands Buckets and Funnels Nor’easters. They are fierce. For those of us living in New England these mean high winds—accompanied by hearty downpours of rain or hefty droppings of snow. Today’s forecast calls for a foot of snow. Last week’s nor’easter...

Avoiding “The Manipulation”

Manipulation: : to treat or operate with or as if with the hands or by mechanical means especially in a skillful manner (Merriam-Webster Dictionary) Post Op 3 weeks:  Today was a day of reckoning.  In order to avoid “the manipulation,” Wyndham had to make some big...

What’s Your Caption?

I happened upon this picture a few minutes ago.  My granddaughter is having fun hiding behind a glass pulpit.  I thought this photo communicated a lot with just a few words. If I were put my face here….would the words shown “‘to’ God Be the...

Deworming the Earworm

Eeeew!  This is my reaction to this disgusting-sounding title. However, this post is not really going to be about slimy creatures living inside the crevices of our inner ears or about long squiggly worms “gracefully” cascading down from the openings in our...