Coffee Shop Treasures

Coffee Shop Treasures

I’m part of a coffee shop sip club where I pay a small monthly fee for unlimited daily coffee. I can walk to this local coffee shop, and I rarely miss a day. Since I love a large, iced coffee and a refill (decaf refill), I could easily spend in one day what I spend in...

Life Updates and Coaching Future Plans

If my clients are getting half as much out of coaching as I am, all is good. Every so often we get to answer a call that fits like a glove. That’s what coaching feels like for me. It’s that glove that allows me to follow the Spirit’s lead while using my ministry,...
Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 105

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 105

Wisdom and Vulnerability Memories fill my head and heart as I look across my room and smile, as we enjoy the pleasure of the company of a dear friend. It’s a friendship built over many years of fighting battles together, talking about everything, praying much, sharing...

Wednesday Wisdom With Wyndham – 81

Wisdom Speaks with the End in Mind Words are funny things. They are powerful. God created with words. Words play many roles as they: Inspire. Instruct. Hurt. Convict. Comfort. Entertain. Enlighten. As they do their jobs they produce varied emotions in the speaker and...